Keratoconus Treatment (C3R & INTACS)
Starting Rs 9999 / Eye
Keratoconus is a degenerative disorder of the cornea, in which the cornea thins and bulges outward like a cone, resulting in distorted vision & may lead to irreversible corneal damage
Keratoconus Treatment (C3R & INTACS)
Keratoconus is a degenerative disorder of the cornea, in which the cornea thins and bulges outward like a cone, resulting in distorted vision & may lead to irreversible corneal damage
The time taken to perfrom C3R procedure is 20 to 30 minutes. In this procedure, custom-made riboflavin eye drops are applied to the cornea, activated by ultraviolet light. C3R procedure causes the collagen fibrils to thicken, stiffen, and crosslink & reattach to each other, making the cornea stronger and more stable & stopping the progression of Keratoconus disorder. This is recommended when Keratoconus corneal changes are observed. Therefore, one need to consult Keratoconus Specialist regularly.
Once the C3R procedure is done, surgeon places a soft bandage contact lens on cornea and antibiotics are prescribed. The contact lens can be put off after one or two days.
The cornea increases in rigidity soon after the procedure although the process of cross linking continues on for a period of a few days afterwards. The effect on corneal shape takes longer but flattening does not occur in all eyes that have had treatment. A satisfactory result will be arresting the progress of keratoconus.
Adavantages of C3R
- Simple non invasive procedure
- Stop the progression of Keratoconus and causes some regression
- No handling of lenses every day
- No stitches
- No incisions
- Fast recovery
Using this Technology, Surgeon inserts INTACS -a thin semi-circular rings into the mid layer of keratoconus cornea. It flatten the cornea by changing the shape and location of the cone , improving the vision. Now comprehensive treatment of Keratoconus, using world’s best & innovative technology. INTACS -a thin semi-circular rings inserted into the mid layer of keratoconus cornea to flatten the cornea by changing the shape and location of the cone, improving the vision.
Intacs corneal implants are approved by the FDA for keratoconus under a Humanitarian Device Exemption (HDE).
Intacs Corneal Implant Procedure involve following steps:
- Anaesthetic drops are used to numb the eye, which is held open throughout the procedure to stop blinking.
- A single, small incision is made in the surface of the cornea.
- The eye is prepa red for Intacs placement – To stabilize your eye and ensure proper alignment of the Intacs inserts, the centering guide is placed on the surface of your eye. During this time, inner layers of the cornea are gently separated in a narrow circular area to allow for Intacs placement.
- The Intacs inserts are gently placed. After the second Intacs insert is placed, the small opening in the cornea is closed.
- The procedure is completed.
- The placement of Intacs inserts remodel and reinforce your cornea, eliminating some or all of the irregularities caused by keratoconus in order to provide you with improved vision.
Keratoconus patient after INTACS procedure need to visit for follow-up visits in order to monitor the healing process and to evaluate the visual benefits of the procedure. Even after a successful procedure, glasses or contacts still may be required to provide you with good vision. This is a reversible procedure which mean in case patient does not feel comfort or any other complication, the INTACS devices can be explanted from eyes.
As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks, including infection. Some patients experience visual symptoms including difficulty with night vision, glare, halos, blurry and fluctuating vision.
If you have a question, please feel free to call us any-time at +91- 8447314061
Available Technologies
- C3R
Keratoconus Treatment Cost in Delhi
Rs 22500 / Eye to Rs 35000 /Eye
Prices of Keratoconus Treatment in Delhi may varies & we run special discounts time to time so offer best value for money.